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Oven-Steamed Salmon

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Whisk the lemon juice, salt, and pepper together, then add the olive oil, olives, and caper berries and whisk again. This makes enough dressing for a whole half a salmon, so you may want to cut down on the quantities here.

Pre-heat your oven to 300F and boil a large, oven-proof pan of water.

Place the salmon on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper and put it in the oven, with the pan of boiled water on the shelf below. The fish will be done in 25–30 minutes.

Although cooked through, steaming the salmon this way will allow it to retain its deep orange colour, so it will, perhaps, appear uncooked—it really is cooked, honest!

Let the fish cool to room temperature and serve it with the dressing poured over the salmon and a nice salad on the side.

Uncooked Cooked
Dressed Plated